ensalada caballa y chorizo Grilled Chorizo and mackerel salad

At home we sometimes make large bowls of salads so filling that are the only dish in a meal. This is an intense tasting salad, full of strong flavours combining meat, pulses, fish and veg. A made the most of the last warm day of the year and brave to use the barbecue but of course you can always use your pan to make it.


  • 2 portions size Mackerels

  • 2 tins of cooked Chickpeas

  • 300g fresh Beetroot

  • 2 Courgettes

  • 1 Red Onion

  • 1 fresh Chorizo sausage

  • 1 sprig of fresh Mint

  • 1 Lime

  • Half a tin Piquillo Peppers

  • Sherry Vinegar

  • Extra virgin Olive oil

  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Start by preparing your BBQ so in 30 minutes you are ready to grill.

  2. Peel and shave your courgettes with the help of a peeler. Peel and cut the beetroot into wedges. Par cook the beetroot in a small saucepan with boiling water for 10 minutes and drain. Cut the red onion in wedges as well. Slice the chorizo in 4 slices lengthways. Drain, wash and deseed your piquillo peppers from the tin and slice them in thin strips. Drain and wash your chickpeas.

  3. Clean and prepare the mackerel by removing the fillets with the help of a boning knife and pin bone or just ask your fishmonger to do it for you.

  4. Grill the slices of chorizo for a couple of minutes on each side and set aside. Brush a bit of oil on the onion and beetroot and again grill about a couple of minutes on each side. Brush some oil on the skin of the mackerel, season it and grill skin side down for about 3 minutes or until cooked.

  5. In a large bowl mix the slice courgettes, the chickpeas, the picked leaves of mint, the piquillo peppers, red onion, beetroot and dress it with the lime zest and juice, sherry vinegar, olive oil , salt and pepper and give all the ingredients a good toss before topping it with the chorizo and the mackerel. Enjoy!




Callos | Beef tripe stew